Enric Ramiro, lecturer at the Image and Heritage Didactics Group (DIMPA) at the Universitat Jaume I in Castelló, has created a didactic mathematical game about Valencian female teachers. Its main objective has been to make visible the work of these women concerned about letters and sciences, contribute to gender equality that has not always been present in history and demand research and global training of sciences and letters by teachers of nursery and primary school. The material has been edited by Castelló Town Council.
The selection and research of data and images of the teachers has not been simple - but, accordding to Enric Ramiro, the effort has served to "record almost two centuries of very unknown pedagogical renovation, carried out by some Valencian female teachers, and facilitate the promotion of actions to claim their name and everything they did".
The sixteen teachers chosen have taught somewhere in the Valencian Region,from north to south, and have either been born there or have spent their last days there. The other characteristic of note is their variety of functions within the field: specialised in deaf-mutes, blind people or teaching private classes; rural or urban teachers; introducers of methods such as Montesori's or practitioners of techniques as innovative as those of Freinet. All of them had a great commitment to their work and their students, with a great diversity of ideologies and beliefs, and they are unknown to the majority of the population.
The teachers chosen for this didactic-mathematical game include Matilde Ridocci García, Maria Carbonell Sánchez, Natividad Domínguez Alaya, Àngela Sempere Sanjuán, Maria Ibars, Carmen Valero Gimeno, Paquita Sanchis Ferrer, Adelina Vallara Ballester, Empar Navarro i Giner, Josefina Ferrándiz Casaste, Enriqueta Agut Amer, Balbina Medrano Aranda, Alejandra Soler Gilabert, Presentation Sáez de Descatllar, Elàdia Boïls Tuzón and Empar Granell i Tormos.